RABİA ÖZDEN KAZAN was born in 1976 in Turkey.Kazan started journalizm as a Tv correspondent when she was 20 ,later hosting İstanbul's historical documentary program at turkish Flash tv, for two years. She then started work as a columnist
for Turkish political newspapers Ortadoğu, where stayed for six years meanwhıle Kazan, succeded in conducting an exlusive interview with Papa 2. John Paul attempted assasin Mehemet Ali Ağca, earning her wide-spread fame throughout Turkey. Kazan founded news magazine "revizyon"and contunies as editör in -chief of this magazine.İn 2007,Kazan wrote her memoir, "angels of tehran"(TAHRAN MELEKLERİ),to wide-spread reaction in both Turkey and the middle east.
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